
Ganga Meghanath

Data Scientist @ Microsoft


I am a Data Scientist at Microsoft, where I leverage my expertise to unravel the causal impact of features on end users’ experiences. My work in the Experimentation For Windows (EFW) team focuses on Causal Discovery, a sophisticated blend of statistics and machine learning that uncovers cause-and-effect relationships from observational data. Previously as a Data & Applied Scientist at Microsoft BingAds, I developed machine learning pipelines for the detection, rejection and removal of adversarial attacks on multi-media advertising such as Product and Text Ads that violates Microsoft's Editorial Policies or poses risks from Fraud, Account Compromise and Spoofing.

Academic Research : As a Gruaduate Research Assistant with Prof. Joseph Makin, I developed machine learning models to infer neural population dynamics in multi-unit cortical recordings from macaques performing motor-control tasks. I also explored Speech Decoding using machine learning from Electrocorticography (ECoG) Cortical Activity in humans.

Teaching : As a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Purdue, I guided students through the intricacies of Python programming in practical lab sessions.


  • Causal Discovery/Inference
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Game Theory
  • Robotics


  • M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering

    Purdue University, West Lafayette

  • B.Tech in Electrical Engineering (Minor in Data Science)

    Indian Institute of Technology, Madras


    Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduhala


    Talent Public School, Njarakkal


Inferring population dynamics in macaque cortex

Journal of Neural Engineering, 2023



Graduate Research Assistant

Purdue University

May 2021 – Present West Lafayette, Indiana
Working on Neural Speech Decoding, advised by Prof. Joseph Makin.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

CNIT 15501, Purdue University

Jan 2021 – May 2021 West Lafayette

TA for CNIT 15501 Introduction to Software Development.

Responsibilities include:

  • In-person Lab hours : Friday 1:30pm-3:20pm, 3:30pm-5:20pm
  • Office Hours : Wednesday 5pm-7pm, Friday 6pm-7pm
  • Assignment Creation and Grading

Data & Applied Scientist

AI & Research, Microsoft

Jun 2019 – Dec 2020 Bengaluru

Built frameworks for the detection of Editorial Policy violations and risks in Product and Text Ads.

Responsibilities include:

  • Analysing
  • Modelling
  • Deploying

Undergraduate Research Intern

Purdue University

May 2018 – Jul 2018 West Lafayette, Indiana
ApproxNet : An architecture that enables runtime approximation during analytics on live video, captured at the edge device, using a single Deep Neural Network model.

Machine Learning Intern


May 2017 – Jul 2017 Cochin, Kerala
Assisted in developing an architecture for auto-tagging and auto-selection of photographs using face similarity metrics and aesthetic rankings.


Identify frames in the Tweets of US politicians

Framing refers to wording your opinion on a certain subject to emphasize certain aspects of the topic over the others.

Modeling Ecological Populations - Game Theory

Study the population convergence of N-player game using learned strategies.

Improving robustness of neural networks against adversarial attacks

Study Adversarial attacks and Defence techniques for Machine Learning models.

Memory based Multi-tasking A3C Agent

A memory-incorporated RL framework that can learn to do Multiple tasks through active learning, and effectively reduce catastrophic …

A Hierarchical Approach to Multi Tasking in Reinforcement Learning

Study and evaluation of the performance Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning frameworks in multi-tasking domains using active sampling.

Weather data summarizer using encoder-decoder networks

Implemented a table summarizer for structured weather data using an encoder-decoder model comprising of an attention layer over a …

Word embeddings for native languages

Created a corpus and embeddings for nearly 15 million words in the Indian native language Malayalam.

Team Anveshak, University Rover Challenge, Utah

We build a remote operated all-terrain rover, complete with a robotic manipulator and digger, with an in-built autonomous navigation …

Academic Courses

    Purdue :
  • CS 57700 : Natural Language Processing
  • ECE 69500: Inference & Learning in Generative Models
  • ECE 59500: Intoduction to Data Mining
  • ECE 60800: Computational Models and Methods

  • IIT Madras :
  • CS7015: Deep Learning
  • CS6700: Reinforcement Learning
  • CS4011: Principles of Machine Learning
  • CS7011: Topics in Reinforcement Learning
  • EE6418: Game Theory
  • EE3004: Control Engineering
  • EE2004: Digital Signal Processing
  • EE4371: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • ID6040: Introduction to Robotics
  • ID7123: Machine Intelligence and Brain Research
  • BT6270: Computational Neuroscience
  • MS3510: Operations Research

Mathematical Foundations:

  • MA1101: Calculus I : Functions of One Variable
  • MA1102: Calculus II : Functions of Several Variables
  • MA2040: Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes
  • MA2031: Linear Algebra for Engineers
  • EE3110: Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers


  • 400 N River Rd, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47906